Well now a half century later you have similar disciples in the W.H., Anita Dunn & Van Jones, Cass Sunstein!
They just marched in there while the American people were sooooo busy watching the American Idol and Dancing with the Stars!!
Then you have the Underground bombers like Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dorn “playing” in the back ground to further helping the U.S. down the slippery slop and everybody are still “sleeping”!!!
I think you were all entitled to watch television, no matter what the program, what needs to be taken into account is that this marxist/leninist putsch was in the making for decades.
And the conversion of the blacks to (sunni) islam was the work of Malcolm X.
I doubt if there’s any way you could have been aware of it, they are like termites, the foundations get eaten and the house is about ready to fall down before you know what’s going on.
But a lot of people being credited with awards and heaped with credits they don’t derserve, such as W.E.B. Du Bois should have rang a few bells...that’s the first thing the commies do you know, they cover their operatives in medals and awards and elevate them almost to sainthood...and so many of them showed up in Ghana, like Maya Angelou, who surprise surprise had a brother in Hawaii with whom she stayed in 1964.
Best buddies with MX, she worked at the ‘Arab Voice’ in Cairo with the son of Shirley Graham Du Bois...you just didn’t know what these people were up to, and didn’t think it was signifanct, and I can’t blame you.