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Only PC Zealots and Naive Imbeciles Aren't With Bachmann 100% On This One
Reaganite Republican ^
| July 19, 2012
| Reaganite Republican
Posted on 07/19/2012 1:43:31 PM PDT by Reaganite Republican
Per usual, 'warped', Crazy Eyes Bachmann is being pilloried yet again by the Left -along with useful idiots of all stripes- for standing up and saying something many don't want to hear: that having Saudi-born Huma Abedin as Hillary's right-hand-honey at the State Department poses a potential national security threat.
John McCain actually labeled himself as a 'loser' on Fox last night, but that didn't stop him from bashing Bachmann's claims, going on to describe Huma Abedin as representing 'what's best about America' adding 'I'm proud to call her my friend'. He and others called the charges 'baseless' and implied the Minnesota congresswoman/TEA Party Caucus founder/member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Foreign Intelligence is a nut for even bringing it up
Yet back in reality, Bachmann's 16-page letter clearly presented the case: that the background, connections, and influence of Huma Abedin should at least be looked into by DHS, DoJ, and DoD in an effort to explain how US foreign policy has become so tilted as to grant enemies who wish to destroy us heretofore unimaginable power in today's more-frightening-than-ever Middle East.
Fact is, Abedin was never properly vetted in the first place... and her own MOTHER has been reported to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood(!) Meanwhile, daddy is a professor in Saudi Arabia, and founded an organization supported by the Brotherhood as well.
And that's not all: Huma Abedin has a brother named Hassan who's listed as a fellow and partner (with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members on the board) at Oxford University. Unsettlingly, Oxford has long been infiltrated by Islamists who founded the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS). Hassan Abedin collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi -two of the most influential terror supporters in the world.Myriad connections -and favors exchanged- between both Clintons and the Islamic Brotherhood go back a number of years and are complex, multifaceted, and troubling to any thinking person.
Abedin has been at Hillary's side since 1996, when Bubba was still in the White House, diddling interns. Since Hillary rode-out a series of embarrassing bimbo eruptions without batting an eye, many deduced that she not only angling for a position of power once Clinton left office -like senator and then on to the presidency herself- but was perhaps a lesbian as well (sure looks/acts like one) and of course Abedin and whomever was directing her from abroad were thinking the exact same things.
Since then, Gennifer Flowers said in her autobiography that Bill Clinton told her Hillary was bisexual, and that they had an open marriage. Another source close to both Hillary and Huma confirmed that their affair rumors where true as well.
Curiously, Huma Abedin also appears to be in a sham marriage, otherwise what she's doing with grating Jewish geek Anthony Wiener would be anybody's guess. And why would such an attractive, successful, high-profile woman stay after being comprehensively humiliated by Wiener's idiotic 'sexting' scandal, other than cover for a lesbian affair with Hillary and/or political access/intelligence re the US (and Israel)?
An odd couple if ever there was one, she seems to have some other motivations for being with this weasly pervert (I wonder who gave him the idea to run for mayor of #1 terrorist target/under-mosqued NYC!). While most of this may be conjecture, you need to ask yourself why her Muslim Brotherhood relatives didn't denounce her for marrying an evil Jew. (some think Wiener has gone so far as to convert to Islam, although you'd never guess it judging by his pastime hobbies).
Alas, in a country that can't even keep known terrorists from buying planes and flying them all over the country at will -nor prevent a blatantly-radical Muslim from shooting up his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood- it's little wonder we're too stupid, naive, and/or cowardly to take a serious look at this more-than-potentially dangerous woman who sees almost every card in the US State Department's hand on a daily basis.
In the upside-down bizarro-world of the heinously-incompetent Obama administration, Political Correctness is held-up as sacrosanct... already this idiocy has cost this country dozens -if not hundreds- of lives at home and abroad. Add to that numerous troubling connections between the Clintons and the most dangerous Islamists on the planet, and small wonder Bubba chose not to go after Bin Laden when he could have easily taken him out in one stroke.
And did you ever see Condalezza Rice in Islamic head gear, I ask you!
As Churchill once said, 'However beautiful the strategy, you should at least occasionally look at the results'.
Indeed- and now that Obama's foolhardy PC/Muslim outreach 'strategy' has helped Al Qaida elements take weapons/power in Libya, dumped a 30-year ally/strong-armed the military/greased-the-rails for Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and done nothing useful in Syria while totally-unknown Sunni (like Saudi Arabia/
Al Qaida) elements of dubious intention march into Damascus, Huma Abedin seems to have succeeded beyond her (real) bosses' wildest dreams... and the US State Department has had it's fat ass kicked all up-and-down the field by our own assistant coach, who's actually employed by the other team... great.
More at Reaganite Republican
TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Military/Veterans; Politics
KEYWORDS: bachmann; hillary; huma; weiner
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To: Reaganite Republican
Look at McCain’s history. He’s been leading the charge to install Muslim Brotherhood government all across the mideast.
I think its well past time to take a good long look at him and the rest of the globalist brotherhood.
posted on
07/19/2012 1:46:48 PM PDT
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: Reaganite Republican
Huma is the 'Beast's lesbian "partner", right and her family is al queda? No National Security breach there.
CBS (Communist Broadcasting System) tried to make Bachmann look like an idiot, so I immediately changed the channel.
posted on
07/19/2012 1:49:49 PM PDT
The Sons of Liberty
("Get that evil, foreign, muslim, usurping bastard out of MY White House!")
To: Reaganite Republican
IF there were more people like Michele Bachmann, America would be a safer country.
posted on
07/19/2012 1:52:33 PM PDT
("I've already made a donation to Haiti. It's called taxes". . . . El Rushbo.)
To: Reaganite Republican
Sorry I botched your name, Condi!!!
To: Reaganite Republican
Even that liberal slimeball Shep-Smith bashed Bachmann on this...
Because of the extremely high frequency of commercial breaks, I haven't been watching Fox much at all lately, preferring to read my news online. But, I did watch last night...and was sickened by the lefties coming out on Fox news lately. Bill-O, making excuses for Obama saying he's not a socialist but just believes in “social justice” as if we're all to ignorant to know they are one in the same movements.
Anyhow, from the title of this thread...Fox News is loaded with embeciles.
posted on
07/19/2012 1:55:30 PM PDT
(Luke 12:51. Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
To: cripplecreek
That’s why he’s been bloviating 24/7 re. how we need to ‘help’ in Syria while citing humanitarian concerns, CC
If it weren’t for all the damage wrought I’d say it was good he lost last time... at least it woke up the right
To: The Sons of Liberty
The way Øblame-ya is greasing the mozlims around the world, maybe the October surprise could actually happen here?
posted on
07/19/2012 1:56:26 PM PDT
To: Reaganite Republican
Michelle Bachmann is more intelligent than all the News Room Editors in America.
Remember these News people are the Heirs to those who had Wet Dreams over Adolf Hitler and said of the Ukrainian Starvation "Can't make an Omelet without breaking some eggs"
Fools, they would be the first against the wall if the Brotherhood took over this or any other country.
posted on
07/19/2012 1:58:57 PM PDT
(The Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. Soon, We the People shall issue ours.)
To: bicyclerepair
If so, I hope Hussein is at ground zer0.
posted on
07/19/2012 2:00:07 PM PDT
The Sons of Liberty
("Get that evil, foreign, muslim, usurping bastard out of MY White House!")
To: Reaganite Republican
Huma may be a security risk, for that matter so might Hillary, but one thing is sure, Our Muslim president is definitely a security risk.
He started this Islam Spring deal which is turning the Middle East into a war zone.Giving the Islamic Brotherhood Egypt and what else?
Juan McCain is another security risk IMO. Did they turn him in the POW camp? Well he turned somewhere.
posted on
07/19/2012 2:00:45 PM PDT
To: Reaganite Republican
Glenn Beck nailed it a year ago pointing out that the globalists were all happily pushing the Muslim brotherhood into power. That’s why I connect it to the international crisis group over here. They have their differences but global government is the goal of both Muslims and globalists.
posted on
07/19/2012 2:02:16 PM PDT
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: Reaganite Republican
Not a thing is going to be done.
Right now the MSM is claiming that Bachmann is an Islamaphobic flake, a “Witch Hunter” and a “McCarthyite.”
Of course, they’re ignoring the fact that Islam is the most violent religion on Earth, so that “Islamphobia” is simply being realistic; and that McCarthy was right about the Federal Government being riddled with Communist spies...
posted on
07/19/2012 2:02:35 PM PDT
Little Ray
(AGAINST Obama in the General.)
To: cripplecreek
I think its well past time to take a good long look at him and the rest of the globalist brotherhood Frankly, I've seen enough of them, we should do more than just look.
To: Reaganite Republican
“Daddy” has been dead for 20 years
posted on
07/19/2012 2:10:07 PM PDT
(In order to be pro-market, sometimes you must be anti-big business)
To: cripplecreek
posted on
07/19/2012 2:10:07 PM PDT
(The Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. Soon, We the People shall issue ours.)
To: Reaganite Republican
Oh, it gets worser and worser From a liberal website which I won't name but rhymes whith Huff and Puff:
"During his Thursday briefing, Boehner said he hadn't seen the letters Bachmann and four other conservative lawmakers sent to five federal agencies warning that the Muslim Brotherhood may be infiltrating the U.S. government. One of the public servants who has been singled out is Abedin, whom Bachmann and her co-signers allege has ties to the hard-line Islamic group through her family.
Nevertheless, Boehner warned that lawmakers shouldn't make such serious allegations without anything to back them up.
"From everything that I do know of [Abedin], she has a sterling character and I think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous," he said.
Asked if he would consider removing Bachmann from the House Intelligence Committee over the recklessness of her comments, Boehner demurred.
. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) weighed in on Twitter, writing, "Rep. Bachmanns accusations about Sec. Clinton aide Huma Abedin are out-of-line. This kind of rhetoric has no place in our public discourse."
And on Thursday morning, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he didn't "share the feelings" expressed in the lawmakers' letters.
Shameful and shameless, these clueless, PC, RINO, A-Holes!
To: Reaganite Republican
I guess this is why Bachmann and those like her will never make it in the Republican Party. She’s too pro-American.
No one, on or off line, has ever told me why the people who truly care about this country - people like Bachmann, Palin, DeMint, Ryan, Forbes, Quale, West, Keyes, Cain, to name a few - don’t acknowledge the futility of it all and together all at once go to a third party and make it happen that way.
posted on
07/19/2012 2:12:21 PM PDT
('We the People' can and will take this country back...starting today.)
To: cripplecreek
That is the second time I have done that to you Cripple in that many years.
I am sorry, trying to Multi-Post too much.
That was meant for this thread
posted on
07/19/2012 2:12:31 PM PDT
(The Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. Soon, We the People shall issue ours.)
To: jacknhoo
Fox News is loaded with embeciles.
...and leftist liberals. Beckel and Juan are everywhere. Can’t watch it anymore.
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