You’re projecting, Kurt. You might be more selfish than ever, but those of us who embrace the free market and a true Constitutional government are looking out for our COUNTRY. The Utopian Dream is an illusion. If you haven’t learned that yet, you might seriously attempt to clear the left-over brain fog and embrace reality. Best not to project your stuff onto those of us who are trying to clean up your mess.
The writer in this article has no clue what true selfishness really is. Someone taking care of themselves and their own is not selfishness. Expecting someone else to is. The major problem that I have with the late 60’s generation is that they expected the rest of us to pay for the mess they made of themselves. For example, on drug legalization, I would contemplate the idea only with certain provisos. Those being that nobody is forced to hire a druggie, rent property to a druggie, pay any medical costs for a druggie, etc, etc. Being forced to pull the cart is not selfishness, riding in it is.
Selfishness is not dangerous to society unless it is combined with collectivism. We have both now and are in deep trouble.
“From the beginning, the American idea embodied a tension between radical individualism and the demands of the commonweal.”
And, for the libtards among us, the supremacy of the commonweal is unquestioned, and unquestionable; when, in fact, the survival of the individual is the only thing that can assure the commonweal.
They will never understand that. They lack sufficient linearity of logical thought.