Who is the last person to appoint a good SCOTUS member? At least Romney grasps the atrocity that was committed against the Constitution and the People. Those who still insist on cutting Rom,ney, with the full knowledge that Obama will strive to appoint those who wish the Constitution dead and buried (even deeper than it is now) are whistling past the graveyard.
I don't know. I don't think I've been alive that long. Certainly not politically aware.
Scalia and Thomas seem ok. The main problem, IMO, is that the people nominated for the position tend to be lawyers. Some should definately be lawyers, but what the Court's lost sight of is that the Constitution means what it says. The entire War On Drugs, for example, is clearly contrary to the Constitution -- and it can even be considered invalid through the judicial-branches golden calf of precedent: the 18th Amendment was needed to give the FedGov the authority to regulate alcohol, it was repealed in full, and no such amendment was made for drugs... yet go Read Raich and see how much they have to twist and turn and dodge and dance in order to declare that the War on Drugs is a-ok.
At least Romney grasps the atrocity that was committed against the Constitution and the People.
I honestly don't know if that's the case: I suspect he's merely seen a chance for him to "get ahead."
Those who still insist on cutting Romney, with the full knowledge that Obama will strive to appoint those who wish the Constitution dead and buried (even deeper than it is now) are whistling past the graveyard.
Honestly, there's more than just the ballot box.