You’ll get your chance in November.
When you vote just say to your self,
Its constitutional. Bitches.
This vote by the SC should be a wake up call to all patriots. Its time to focus on what’s really important. Mitt can’t do it alone. We have to boot out the Democrats from Both the house and Senate—and out of the state houses, county government—out of the Media and Universities. They must be punished or they will become a new breed of Nobility to Lord over us—like the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. We have no choice. Chains or freedom. We can’t just watch—we lost that right the other day. We can’t depend upon the Constitution —they will slice and dice it to meet their needs. Ask yourself, what can I do to help return America to her greatness?
1. Join the Tea Party and March!
2. Boycott all media that supports Obama and the Progressives.
3. Get involved in local government and boot out the Progressive/Communists.
4. Work for the GOP with all your heart and soul.
5. Don’t send your children to be brain washed in Liberal colleges. They would be better off going to Russia!
6. Don’t look to 3rd Parties, Ron Paul, anything that divides the right.
7. Fly your American Flag! Don’t give in to anti-Christian movements and things that tear down America.
8. Don’t watch Movies or TV that demeans the USA. You know who they are!
9. Dismiss all forms of Racism—Black/White etc... We are Americans now! We all face a common foe that would rip from us our freedoms.
10. Dedicate your life to preserving what is good and true in this land. Go to a Farmer’s Market, visit a National Park, Tour a battlefield where Patriots fell. Remind yourself what it is to be American.