Look, I garden because I enjoy it. And I have pecan trees, almond trees, pear trees, apple trees, apricot trees, peach trees, plum bushes, blackberry bushes and a strawberry bed.
We farm and have on site storage for 15,000 bushels of wheat or grain, a seed cleaning plant. And we have a meat processing building at the farm. Walk-in box, Commercial Hobart butcher band saw, sausage mill & meat slicer. And a brick pit to smoke sausage.
We sold our cattle last year during the 100 year drought. One of our neighbors is currently grazing our pastures to keep his herd intact. I plan on rebuying next spring.
Have thought about putting in a few chickens but my wife says they are too confining if we want to go somewhere. Probably right.
We have the best neighbors in the world. Most of them have rifles & pistols and like to hunt. Lots of game here. Wild hogs, deer, turkey, quail and dove.
We won’t starve. If the SHTF actually happened we might have to adjust our diet, but we would go on. There are oil wells on our farm and many of our neighbors. There are still pumpers who know how to make casinhead gas. hee hee hee
NOW, do I want to go through that? NO WAY. Will it happen? I doubt it, but things are pretty crazy in DC.
Will TX & OK choose to participate in the discussed insanity? Nahhh!
Some of my ancestors were born in TX during The Republic. Others came here during Reconstruction. During just such a time as is being discussed. They went GTT (Gone to Texas), We are still here. So there. It will remain so.
I don’t consider myself a prepper. But this is how we live.
Gabby Johnson in Blazing Saddles.
“Have thought about putting in a few chickens but my wife says they are too confining if we want to go somewhere. Probably right.”
You could perhaps find someone in your area that would be willing to handle the chickens in your absence in return for eggs or meat. After a crisis eggs will be worth their weight in gold... nice to have some birds around.
Good way to live. I’m working hard at doing the same in the middle of nowhere on the Rockies.
I don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about. ...was right in the middle of hurricane Celia and lived there afterward, too. Looting was minimal and violence, non-existent as far as I remember. Neighbors were helpful (all kinds of neighbors). Your part of the country is not like New Orleans or California.
Wouldn’t want to be in the cities way to the north of you, though.
http://www.weareaustin.com/ then click on top video stories and go to Mysterious Mass Cattle Deaths.
Cattle Industry: Who’s Your Girl? Who Loves You?
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - June 19, AD 2012 6:02 PM MST
If you haven’t already read this, you might want to do that now. Just so you buy those chickens and procure more cattle.
Her advice has been rock solid and better than gold.
And the video interview of Karl Denninger, of Market-ticker, is enough to scare the Hell out of me. He states the whole economy will crash before the November electiona. Eek!