What has the left’s panties in a twist about Drudge was his exposure of black mobs of racists attacking Whites all over the country. Liberals told whitey that if they voted for the first black president, all of liberalism’s race hate would stop. Fools.
One half of the libs co-dependent relationship is acting without instruction and making them look bad. They were arrogant enough to think they had control over ALL blacks. In truth, they had control over the Jessie types and the welfare/entitlement portion, but actual American blacks (those who believe in the whole concept of America, few though they may be) and the feral gangs didn’t want to play.
The American blacks never were on their team or long since abandoned them and the Gang types? They answer to money and themselves. They take orders from no one. So when Al reved up the masses over Saint Skittles, they went their own way.
Blowback is really going to suck for the Dem/libs and the Yutes when it happens. Because most people get real upset when they find they’ve been lied to.