The blunt truth is that you can’t function in 2012....without a valid ID. If you want a narcotic drug prescribed by the can’t get it at the pharmacy, without the ID. Wanna get married, divorced or annulled? Need an ID. Want to buy booze or smokes, and you look less than 18, then you need an ID. Cops stop you? Need that ID. So I would challenge any town of 100k show me the twenty-five people who don’t have an ID (they likely are all over the age of eighty). Fine, I say....we will pay to transport them to the county office, and give them an ID free of charge.
The truth can’t function in 2012, without an ID. But amusingly enough, you can vote without an ID.
Minor nit-pick: I believe the current standard is to either ID everyone or at least anyone who looks like they're under 30.