A couple of years after he leaves office the truth will come out and show how the american electorate was decieved.
His literary review either composed or approved by him says he was born in Kenya(Breitbart), he used a CT. social security #, how did he get to Harvard after doing so much drugs in high school and sleeping his way through, how did he get to Colombia and who paid for these elite schools(u can bet we did)how come no grades or papers that he wrote have been made public, how come his classmates have remained so quiet.
“A couple of years after he leaves office the truth will come out and show how the american electorate was decieved.”
But 49 years later we have color motion picture film of JFK’s head CLEARLY being blown open from the FRONT, and we still have people swearing that Oswald was the lone gunman.
Repeat a lie often enough....