From everyhting I have heard, he gave a great speech...and had the graduates and their guests applauding quite a few times.
I believe Husseion, the Kenyan Marxist, went ahead and put this same sex endorsement on the table now in the hopes that it will energize his base, get him some money, and then blow over and be old news.
I think he is mistaken. I believe anyone holding to traditional values, even in his own voting blocks will think twise about their vote and he will lose some of those votes to Romney, and others will stay home.
They should keep hammering this, along with about every other endorsement and commitment thaty has come out of his mouth since the 2008 campaign.
The Man who Despises America
One thing I believe about Romnney, despite his past record, he is campaigning on the right issues now, and he wil fight Obama hard. He will not play kit gloves with him, but I believe he will go after him in a hard way which McCain did not do, and which he should have let Sarah do in 2008.
Good analysis and perspective, Jeff.
Romney’s commencement speech was very good. Such a stark contrast to obama’s speech. I just listened to Romney’s speech and it was very inspiring.