Off this topic for a second. I believe Axelrod and others KNOW of Obama’s homosexual encounters. Hence his need for a ‘beard’ and the MAIN reason he has been waiting until re-elected to endorse homosexual marriage. I believe had he included his backing for it in 2007, and combined with his effeminate nature, homosexual rumors etc., I think he would have been outed, or if not, at least CLOSELY aligned with abberrant homosexual groups which could have hurt him getting the nomination. Now, if re-elected, he will INDEED cum out of the CLOSET!
He didn’t wait:
Obama announces his support for same-sex marriage
Last week there was that composite commie/muzzy girlfriend Cook who’s story is quickly falling apart. Then today Hussein has finally decided he’s for same sex marriage. Naw, couldn’t be a coincidence, huh??? Yes, Virginia, on many things he is transparent.