As Governor of Mass, Romney pushed conservatism about as far as possible as any Governor of that radically liberal and massively corrupt state could accomplish.That' may not be saying much in absolute terms, but for practical purposes it's a huge win for Romney. It's amazing he was even able to get elected in the first place.
Massachusetts elected Deval Patrick as Governor to replace Romney and Patrick has screwed up the state worse than previous Democrat Governors, all of whom are a hard act to follow when it comes to corruption and incompetence.
Obama is 10 times worse than Deval Patrick at his worst. Obama is seriously trying to institute what passes for as close to dictatorship as is possible in the United States.
The threat of giving Obama a second term to consolidate his push to undermine American democracy and impose a Marxist based form of government pales before anything Romney would even dream of at his worst.
And that's a fact