Romney’s record is shouting at everyone. Do yo not see friend?
Romney could of but didn’t make an exception because of
the teachings of the faith. Catholic adoption agencies
in Massachusetts had to shut down because of the homosexual
agenda, Romney’s support of sodomites could adopt children!!
This is totally against God.
Unless a RINO is ready to hold the basin while an abortionist fills it with broken parts of babies’ bodies, and then tell their own daughter to mount the stirrups, they’re not ready for Romney.
MittWits have already compromised God, in order to fulfill their illusion of getting rid of Obama.
I’ll keep asking, it comes down to ~
How can God bless a nation, guide it’s leader with His GRACE, if that man is a Muslim or belongs to some crazy
sect, one that actually reject Our Lord is God?!!!~@
Fits both, Jesus mercy. Romney = Obama.
Pray for a miracle.