I believe he easily beats these charges, then Holder will come after him on a civil suit for hate crime. That said, they should be going after NBC and GE right now, NBC has no defense against libel on this one.
Even if he were actually culpable, in some legal sense, and has to legitimately serve time, NBC still has perpetrated a libel by editing out the explicit question as to the race of Trevon Martin, making Zimmermans response sound like gratuitous racism. NBC isnt the only perpetrator, tho, and I would urge a suit against all of journalism - i.e., the AP and all its members - and force them to turn on each other. The members of the AP are in a constant state of open conspiracy against middle class America.The was to understand it is that the Constitution is too successful for the tastes of unified AP journalism; too many people are too satisfied in general, and journalism needs them worried in order to keep them in thrall to If it Bleeds, it leads journalism.
Even if he were actually culpable, in some legal sense, and has to legitimately serve time, NBC still has perpetrated a libel by editing out the explicit question as to the race of Trevon Martin, making Zimmermans response sound like gratuitous racism. NBC isnt the only perpetrator, tho, and I would urge a suit against all of journalism - i.e., the AP and all its members - and force them to turn on each other. The members of the AP are in a constant state of open conspiracy against middle class America.The way to understand the political slant of unified (wire service) journalism is that the Constitution is too successful for the tastes of unified AP journalism. The problem, from their POV, is that left to their own thoughts and their own religion, too many Americans are too satisfiedwith the status quowith the rate of progress delivered by Constitutional limited government. Big Journalism needs us to be worried enough to keep us hang in on every word of If it Bleeds, it leads journalism. And then they can turn us (black and white, in this instance) against each other, for their own aggrandizement.It is actually not George Zimmerman alone, nor even his family alone, who are the victims of this attack. It puts us all at risk, and that has been their intention all along. We all should be suing NBC and the AP. Into oblivion.
The AP very quickly became too big to fail after its founding in the middle of the Nineteent Century. But with the advent of laser/fiber optic/microwave/satellite communication, we have the Internet/www to transmit news worldwide as quickly as we get it from the Associated Press newswire. Even more quickly, in practice, considering how much news monopoly journalism simply doesnt care to tell us.