I never read Turner Diaries, and don't plan to do so.
Yet this "journalist" states that my work echoes them. That's kind of weird.
But you know how "journalists" are. They see things that mere mortals might miss.
actually you should...as far fetched as some of Pierce's stuff seemed back then...
compare to what is actually happening today is frightening...truly...I woulda never believed it possible
I have read all manner of stuff I disagreed with from Mien Kampf to Das Kapital to Leviathan and Neitzche and Fromme and Sartre and so forth
Holder's DOJ is eerily similar to that described in Turner Diaries 30 something years ago
one can recognize that truth without agreeing with the cure
we are now living in a very poorly managed post racial culture in which whites are the blame and minorities are treated like pets...and thrown every manner of bone and given all the white leg to chew on they can manage
Matt's work has plenty of minority folks on the right side...not so with Pierce or Peter's screeds
doesn't matter though...they will attack it anyhow...they attacked UIC too as I recall