I found the article to be pretty unconcerned about a net loss of 7,000 jobs. That is not unimportant. Now, the town may still appear prosperous [20,000+ college kids will support a lot of retail,] but Pfizer's loss along with the others mentioned certainly must have had an impact somewhere.
That doesn't mean I agree with these sorts of tax deals.
I know what you're saying, but if my employer is getting tax exemptions to stay on site, I really don't care just as long as I can keep my job........
FWIW, I went thru a plant closing in Detroit and the ultimate sale of the corporation to a Canadian automotive group. Fortunately I had the time and service to be eligible for retirement benefits a year later. There were many others in the plant who weren't so lucky.........
That of course has nothing to do with the circumstances surrounding Pfizer but at least I can relate to those folks who lost their jobs while the city of Ann Arbor and its elites continue on as if nothing happened.......After all, Pfizer is an evil corporation.