I can’t speak for the Baptists, but as a Catholic, I have never been threatened with excommunication or damnation over anything, much less a personal decision that may go against a priest’s advise, but not the teaching of the Church.
I came up in Catholic school in the ‘70s, and the church was unapologetically strong vs. abortion, i.e., a “mortal sin.” That said, I haven’t been Catholic for 35 years, so that doctrine has probably changed.
I'm Baptist and Baptists do not excommunicate anyone. A Baptist Minister would council her not to abort and if she did anyway, he would then council her to seek forgiveness of her sins.
For Catholics who procure an abortion or otherwise directly participate in the crime of abortion (driving the victims to the murder mill, paying for the crime, actually performing the crime, assisting in the performance of the crime), the Church prescribes excommunication latae sententiae (automatic and self-inflicted, without the need for formal notice of penalty) with the remission of the just penalty reserved to the bishop.