That it is. This whole affair has been carefully contrived from the very beginning. I think it is a gross political miscalculation, personally, and I also think its roots rest in the highest offices within the 0bama Executive. It's one of those tools that was irresistible because it was easy to use, but the consequences are likely to be quite a bit more difficult to manage than the inception.
It is, however, a wonderful distraction from other matters that tend to call Holder's departmental administration into question: Fast And Furious, for example, and more to the point, the dropping of charges against the poll thugs in '08. He now can be cast in the media as a civil rights champion instead of the grossly biased operator that he really is. That is why I think it a miscalculation: 0bama's re-election now rests on one of the weakest, least competent, and most openly racist links in his administration. It isn't anything to hazard the office on, IMHO. Apparently senior Democrats disagree with me in that regard.
The final voice analysis had to be a big disappointment for the injustice department. With Zimmerman being hispanic, the cards didn’t play out they way they wanted. I don’t think the feds have a shot. I think they’ve been benched.