I don’t remember what Freeper posted this stoopit scam last week but it was patently obvious.
Nice film work though.
From this page (John Galt)scroll down see “emphasis added” section below.
Oil refinery land set for demarcation
(click on the title above to access article in full)
Uganda has apparently become the latest African nation to see a large oil discovery and gone from the rarely mention back pages of American media to the forefront as a cause celeb not because children have been murdered there for over thirty years now, exploited by militants and the governments alike. No, this is about securing natural resources and the individuals who produced Kony 2012! are simply being used by this government to create a justification for further military intervention to protect the areas in the map from Tullow Oil, PLC:
Until the video was produced then suddenly promoted by the mainstream media, I would wager that ninety percent of the U.S. population had no clue as to who Joseph Kony was, where Uganda was on a map, or that there was even an internal conflict there. Yet those in the investing world and with the monies to promote and purchase government influence via political donations understand the competitive nature of seeking and securing petroleum resources. The sad part about this is that
Emphasis added:
it has nothing to do with securing more oil for the U.S. consumer but instead protecting the operations of FINA Total and CNOOC, a French and Chinese oil conglomerate respectively. Thus the sudden sense of urgency to deploy millions of dollars worth of resources to eradicate an estimated 400 combatants brings forward the idea that the U.S. military is being used on for hire or mercenary missions at the behest of international corporations instead of their Constitutionally mandated mission of protecting the United States of America.