“See, your personal beliefs on these issues just shouldn’t be part of the political dialogue.”
It is utterly foolish to think that a person’s beliefs aren’t part of the political dialogue. If they hold them strongly, they WILL affect how they will act and vote.
That is why one should fear Romney. He is a very devout Mormon and he will use Mormon values & beliefs if he were POTUS. Just the same as Santorum, Gingrich, or any other will do so. It is disingenuous for perons to say otherwise.
Goodness, even in your statement that “beliefs” shouldn’t be part of political dialogue is you FORCING a value or viewpoint on others. It is YOUR VIEWPOINT that beliefs shouldn’t be considered. So, you are doing the very thing to rail against.
Bottom line is that Santorum or Gingrich or whomever must run their campaigns in accordance with their views and beliefs. IF you don’t like their beliefs....then don’t vote for them.
You are just torked that someone unafraid to articulate his religious views in public discourse is doing pretty well so far. I am actually surprised he has done as well as he has myself. The only difference is it doesn’t tork me off. I appreciated honesty.
Whatever, I will not disagree with you about a general election. I would be very surprised if he could continue this path and win in this hedonistic and pagan society we have devolved into. I would be astounded. However, should he succeed, I would be pleasantly encouraged by it. Of course, it won’t happen.
I would be very surprised if he could continue this path and win in this hedonistic and pagan society we have devolved into. I would be astounded. However, should he succeed, I would be pleasantly encouraged by it.
***Good, positive thinking.
Of course, it wont happen.
***What happened to that positive thinking?
I am disappointed that terrible candidates can gain traction in my party. I find it irritating that many social conservative voters will waste their primary votes on silly candidates who have no chance to win a general election, and that they often don't vote based on conservatism - but rather on who can best quote scripture and position themselves as the most God fearing candidate (see Mike Huckabee in 2008). About as disappointed as I was in 1988 that Pat Robertson managed to do well enough to come in second in Iowa and even win some primary caucus/states. Yes, the same Pat Robertson who had already pulled a "Harold Camping" and predicted the end of the world would be in 1982