Typical false choice argument. You leave liberty out of the question and present the ridiculously shallow analysis that there are "social" issues and "economic" issues only. Wrong x a thousand.
This leads you to a faulty equation and a faulty result. You are right that the moral problems contribute greatly to the economic problems, but to indicate that they are the only, or even the greatest, problem is not true. I would say that our energy policy right now is a bigger problem than the moral problem with our economy and with our liberty. But, I grant you the moral decay is tied to the economy no doubt.
Where you go wrong is the boneheaded notion that electing a moralist President will do anything about it. It won't. Besides, that is not the role of President. That is not the role of government. It just is not. Sorry to burst your bubble of self righteousness.
The role of government is to contain itself to allow liberty, and in that liberty we can win the notion of a moral country in a free arena of ideas. A theocracy is doomed to failure, first in election and second in execution.
ROFL Santorum is a disaster! No wonder Democrats are organizing people to cross over and vote for him in our primaries! Internet regulation here we come! Weeeeeeee!
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