“prostitute is a “word”, a “term”, used to describe a behavior. ONLY one of which involves sex. Many people prostitute themselves without having sex.
“slut” might be a little more problematic, but I'd bet that an investigation of her private (now public) sex life will reveal that “slut” is apropos.
You’d never win that one. The adjective-less (which is the key) use of the word prostitute has but one meaning. You couldn’t find a competent lawyer willing to argue otherwise in front of a court.
I haven’t commented on the Rush thing yet, but I will now. Rush stepped over the line and he knows it, hence his apology. I won’t say that I’ve never called anyone a slut, but I’ve never used the word in even such a minor public venue as a cocktail party, nor would I. To actually broadcast the insult was indeed going too far.
Calling someone a slut, even if you think it is deserved is something anyone with even the most rudimentary manners reserves for private words between friends and family.