This trail of errors begins with the view of free will espoused by the RCC. It ends with a prayer to a woman instead of God. Turn from this religiosity to the grace of God...if you can. Someday, the God of Israel shall reveal to the world that He, in fact, has been managing all of this, moment by moment, so that the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world will be lifted up.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say man fell. There was no “fall” of man, only the revelation of what man was actually made of. Certainly, sin was revealed through the exposure of man to the deceiver, but whence cometh the change from good to evil? The Scriptures teach that sin arises from a latent appetite (James 1) and when fully birthed leads to death.
And, every exquisite moment of failure by man was coordinated by God, Himself. Perhaps your god has to accomodate the unaffected choices of man, perhaps your god must cut and run, change up his game to deal with trillions of unknown future “choices”. The God of the Scriptures, however, causes every roll of the dice, every move of the heart, every failure of man. There is not a maverick molecule in the universe or heaven. That is Yahweh.