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Gangster Government, and Sakharov's Immunity (Operation #EFAD)
author ^ | February 29, 2012 | Matthew Bracken

Posted on 02/29/2012 12:11:32 PM PST by Travis McGee

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To: Travis McGee

I have my plan made and I am ready. I have spread it around for March 1!

41 posted on 02/29/2012 9:27:47 PM PST by SaraJohnson
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To: All
I think everyone reasonable would agree that "walking" guns to drug cartels, allowing and assisting them in the murder of hundreds for a political chit, is unimaginably cynical and malicious. Not to mention how much that undermines the Mexican government that may very well collapse because of those cartels.

But that is the tip of the iceberg. To begin with Fast & Furious is but one operation under the umbrella of the overarching ATF operation Project Gunrunner. F&F was just the Tucson ATF office's manifestation of that. There was Castaway from the ATF Tampa office and the as-yet-unnamed operation responsible for "walking" the guns used to attack and kill ICE agent Jaime Zapata from either the Dallas or Houston ATF office.

But the Project Gunrunner "gun walking" operations aren't all there is either.

"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalker" scandal

And this...

Worse Than Gunwalker? State Dept. Allegedly Sold Guns to Zetas

Phil Jordan, a former CIA operative and one-time leader of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s El Paso Intelligence Center, claims that the Obama administration is running guns to the violent Zetas cartel through the direct commercial sale of military grade weapons:

Jordan, who served as director of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s El Paso Intelligence Center in 1995, said the Zetas have shipped large amounts of weapons purchased in the Dallas area through El Paso.


“They’ve found anti-aircraft weapons and hand grenades from the Vietnam War era,” Plumlee said. Other weapons found include grenade launchers, assault rifles, handguns and military gear including night-vision goggles and body armor.

More about State Department involvement...

— has sources claiming “Obama’s man in the State Department,” (former) Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg, was the State Department operative who helped Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and the Department of Justice Deputy Attorney General David Ogden formulate the strategy that led to the tactics used in Operation Fast and Furious.

Steinberg took office as Deputy Secretary of State on January 28, 2009

A little more than two years later, it was announced that Steinberg's time in the Obama State Department was over. From the New York Times, 30 March 2011:

Mrs. Clinton heaped praise on Mr. Steinberg, describing him as an “indispensable” partner. “On every foreign policy challenge, big and small, he has helped formulate our policy and oversee its execution,” she wrote. Mr. Steinberg, she said, played “Oscar to Jack Lew’s Felix,” referring to Jacob J. Lew, her other deputy, who left earlier this year to become Mr. Obama’s budget director.

Want to read even more about State Dept. involvement? ...

Sipsey Street Exclusive: "In at the beginning." The State Department & the Gunwalker Scandal.


10:41 PM MST Operation #EFAD bump (Fast and Furious related, check it out)

42 posted on 02/29/2012 9:41:56 PM PST by TigersEye (Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
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To: TigersEye

I’d not seen it that way, but yes, state sponsored terrorism is on target.

43 posted on 02/29/2012 11:59:00 PM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: Travis McGee
That's what I told my two commie Senators and rookie Congressman.

December 8, 2011
Dear Representative Gardner:
Dear Senator Udall:
Dear Senator Bennet:

Let's call Fast and Furious, Castaway, "Grenade Walker" and "Cash Walker" what they are. State-sponsored terrorism.

On this side of the border they are violations of the RICO Act. In Mexico and Honduras it is state-sponsored terrorism.

What else would you call heavily arming international criminal syndicates within foreign countries wherein those countries are in a death struggle with those syndicates?

Especially when it goes beyond thousands of assault rifles to include grenades, RPGs, shoulder fired rockets, anti-aircraft guns, night vision equipment, body armor and special deals to bring their drugs onto our soil with legal impunity?

Not to mention the just-revealed news that the rip crew that killed BP Agent Brian Terry was there with DEA and FBI assistance and approval to attack and kill a rival cartel's smuggling crew.

Let's not leave out the FBI and DEA laundering millions of dollars for the drug cartels by setting up bank accounts for them that they otherwise couldn't do.

It is organized, it is spread throughout every Federal LEA and it violates numerous domestic laws and numerous statutes and treaties that deal with foreign nations. Yet none of it has been officially sanctioned by Congress. (that I know of) It is the Federal government acting like mafioso.

Pres. Obama, AG Eric Holder and Sec. State Hillary Clinton are all deeply involved in this and it is unquestionably state-sponsored terrorism by the definition used to define states like Iran and North Korea.

PS: if you think I am wrong or exaggerating any of this I will be glad to bring you up to speed with very well sourced articles, legal depositions (publically available) and other public information that verifies every word I have said.

Either you are with these criminals or you are with U.S. I implore you to get informed, get involved and act or get run over by this. This lawless scandal is not going away.


Mr. (TigersEye)
Town, State, Zip

I don't think they care. POed Republicans and dead Mexicans don't affect their lives.

44 posted on 03/01/2012 12:11:50 AM PST by TigersEye (Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
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To: Travis McGee
Thank you

Downloaded at 5:15 am eastern


45 posted on 03/01/2012 2:20:19 AM PST by Elle Bee
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To: Travis McGee

Well, I did the Kindle thing this morning before heading into werk...I plan to download the app and EFAD to both our laptops this afternoon/evening when I get home...

Dad has his “HAWKS” up in N.E. Texas on this as well...

So the word is out...I look forward to hearing how well we did in the next day or so...

I want to see that mug of yers on FoxNews being interviewed by Huddy or some other newsbabe there soon!!!

Lucky!!! hehheh

As always, the best to you muh man!!!

46 posted on 03/01/2012 4:39:07 AM PST by stevie_d_64 (I'm jus' sayin')
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To: Travis McGee

Great essay Matt!

I have read the first two of your books and am nearly through with the third. It is very difficult to put them down long enough to take care of everyday affairs. Thanks for doing what you do!

47 posted on 03/01/2012 6:36:23 AM PST by antisocial (Texas SCV - Deo Vindice)
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To: antisocial

Thank you, Anti.
Looking at early reports on Andrew Breitbart’s passing, I can’t help but think of Gangster Govt, Polonium Salad Dressing, and “Instant Heart Attack” poisons that have been around for a long time, and leave no trace.

I would not put it past the WH War Room plumbers to get some IHA and pass it to their minions who wanted to see our most effectve media warrior dead.

48 posted on 03/01/2012 6:51:14 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: TigersEye; Elle Bee; stevie_d_64

Do you think Andrew Breitbart died of truly natural causes, or do you think he had “help,” not with Polonium Salad Dressing, but the more common “Instant Heart Attack” spray?

I would not put it past Gangster Govt. Inc. That was my very first thought: It’s a “deniable” assassination dressed as natural causes.

49 posted on 03/01/2012 6:54:55 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: Travis McGee

Well to be blunt, I got the wake up call last week...The doc gave me this “spray” and said after three times, over about 15 minutes if the discomfort doesn’t go away, I had better be on the way to the ER...

You know, I never thought I would be this close to potentially checking out this soon...But, I have to admit, I did this to myself, and let things go...It would be my own fault...

I think Andrew Breitbart and those like him have spawned a cottage industry of folks like us who actually pay attention and ask the most uncomfortable and correct questions to those that represent us and others who support the establishent of either political party ideology...

That is his legacy...We can only duplicate it...Its a sad day, and I feel genuine pain for his family...

50 posted on 03/01/2012 7:17:11 AM PST by stevie_d_64 (I'm jus' sayin')
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To: Travis McGee
"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." ~~ Bismark (?)


51 posted on 03/01/2012 8:07:57 AM PST by Elle Bee
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To: Travis McGee; Candor7
I just found out a few moments ago. Suspicion instantly sprang to my mind. As I said here "Unfortunately this administration has created good cause for the worst suspicions." I think your essay and my posts on this thread illustrate that well enough.

People who would murder hundreds of innocents for a talking point would think nothing of killing one who might constitute a threat. Nor will they hesitate to kill millions if it suits their agenda.

43 is awful young to just 'stop living' in the middle of the night but it does happen.

52 posted on 03/01/2012 3:26:09 PM PST by TigersEye (Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
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To: TigersEye

What is disturbing is that Andrew’s death occurred outdoors, and he was just taking a stroll, no strenuous activity. Very unusual.

I think it is very suspicious given the command of high tech methods available to the Obama fascists now ruining our country.


And those methods are both technical and administrative. Andrews next of kin should have an independant medical examiner standby to vet any coroner/autopsy procedures. (Remember Secrtary of Commerce Ron Brown? He died in a plane crash of a .45 cal bullet hole in the top of his head, but the hole was never reported but for a paramedic who stuck his finger in it and told the tale.)

53 posted on 03/01/2012 3:54:16 PM PST by Candor7 (Obama fascist info..
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To: Candor7

A more egregious case of misconduct was how the ME who handled Vince Foster’s case handled things. Even Barney Fife would have called ‘foul’ on that but the elite media was already completely in the tank back then.

54 posted on 03/01/2012 4:05:47 PM PST by TigersEye (Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
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To: TigersEye

Well, we will see whether the Coroner in Andrew’s case is a Barney Fife. He will be watched VERY closely.

55 posted on 03/01/2012 4:14:12 PM PST by Candor7 (Obama fascist info..
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To: Travis McGee

Wasn’t there an FBI “mole/informant” involved in the first world trade center bombing?

56 posted on 03/03/2012 12:04:06 AM PST by El Gato ("The second amendment is the reset button of the US constitution"-Doug McKay)
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To: Travis McGee
Hear, hear!

57 posted on 03/03/2012 12:15:30 AM PST by philman_36 (Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
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To: stevie_d_64

Anybody on the left’s “kill if you can” list with a known “medical condition” is suseptible to being murdered by the right poison, and nobody will doubt the “natural causes.”

“Instant heart attack” spray mimics natural processes, and is almost impossible to detect post mortem. The CIA has had this forever. I’m sure that the White House War Room might get a sample, and pass it to their Alinsky allies for use.

Remember folks, the Obama regime has already PROVEN they are ready and willing to murder “for the cause.” That is what Fast And Furious was about.

58 posted on 03/03/2012 5:59:25 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: TigersEye

I agree 100%. The Obammunists have already crossed the Rubicon of commiting mass murder for political advantage in Operation Fast And Furious.

59 posted on 03/03/2012 6:00:29 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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To: Candor7

Some “instant heart attack” aeresols mimic natural processes, using organic compounds, and are very hard to detect post mortem. The CIA has had these things forever. Small jump for the Obama regime to give some to willing assassins to take out Andrew Breitbart.

They already proved they are killers with Op Fast And Furious.

60 posted on 03/03/2012 6:02:37 AM PST by Travis McGee (
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