Actually, most of the Progessive Erea amendments, except for maybe one...
Read some nasty letters to the editor of the Las vegas Review today concerning how Reids kid got his current gub mint lackey job that others had better qualifications for.
Surprise surprise.
The Vegas Mobs best friend EVER.
Democrats know their limitations, and passing a budget is one of them.
And making Senators LESS accountable to the people, and MORE accountable to the powers that be - will make them....
a) more likely to pass laws the people favor
b) more likely to pass laws entrenched interests favor
April 8th, 1913 was the beginning of the decline of our Republic...
Oh wait. Budgets can't be filibustered, by law.
Never mind.
Another reason to insist on TERM LIMITS! Make 'em have to keep digging up more candidates who now know that there is a dead end, that they won't be enriched and treated like royalty forever.
If you don’t have a formal budget, you can’t be punished for not sticking to the budget. Not passing a budget is the Senate’s way of getting unlimited spending, government elite approved.
Why not go all the way and just get 38 states together to tell the President, Congress and the Supreme Court to just go jump into a lake?
That group supercedes anything else, period.
We the return of states rights and have the feds work for them, not the other way around.
The big problem with this budget issue....a real joke I know, is Americans can’t wrap their minds around the concept of a budget for the federal gubmint.
Most Americans don’t even know the federal gubmint operates with no budget and hasn’t for a couple of years.
The media doesn’t cover it and the Blue Blood elected GOP don’t really want to go there either. Might muss head hairs and cause rifts with friends across the aisle.
It all makes me ill.
How about this, one Senator from each state, appointed by the Governor and serving at their pleasure.
Effectively they would be ambassadors of the state governments and give the states direct input into the federal legislative process. They would answer to the Governor and the Governor answers to the people of the state. No extended vacancies unlike when the state legislatures choose the Senators and deadlocked.
Also less of an incentive to load up the states with unfunded mandates, because what Governor would want to deal with the fallout from that?