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To: Steelfish

This is what I don’t get - Romney is supposed to be the “electable one” because he will get not only the conservative vote - but the independent, moderates and “conservative” democrat voters too. Where as a conservative can’t win in the general election because these “moderates” won’t vote for him.

If that is the case, don’t Iowa, NH AND South Carolina allow open primaries - where dems can cross over & vote in our primary? And Romney hasn’t carried all of these states? Doesn’t look like that strategy is working very well.

9 posted on 01/22/2012 2:59:29 PM PST by alicewonders ((GO PERRY!))
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To: alicewonders
This is what I don’t get - Romney is supposed to be the “electable one” because he will get not only the conservative vote - but the independent, moderates and “conservative” democrat voters too. Where as a conservative can’t win in the general election because these “moderates” won’t vote for him.

The idea that a moderate Republican can win and a conservative Republican can't is what we now call a meme, an idea or a narrative that has come to be an understood and agreed to truth. It matters not, of course, whether it is really true. It matters only that the MSM can create, support and sustain this supposed truth in the minds of the public for a full election cycle. In this case, I don't think the MSM can.

And for proof that it is a lie just go check on the number of votes that the conservative Gingrich got in 2012 compared to the moderate McCain in 2008. Not even close.

23 posted on 01/22/2012 3:45:27 PM PST by InterceptPoint (TIN)
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