Van Irion is not disputing that Obama is a US citizen, he is in fact even stipulating that fact.
Van Irion is stating that Obama is not a natural-born citizen.
You’re trying to read something into my post which was not in fact said or implied. I was supplying the Department of State’s interpretation of how the citizenship of foundlings is determined in accordance with prevailing international law. While the case of BHO does not involve the issue of a foundling, the foundling principles in domestic and international law illustrates how there is an existing presumptive bias in such laws towards recognizing natural born citizenship in the event the father’s identity and status cannot be determined and the mother is a citizen giving birth out of wedlock. In the case of BHO, these particulars do not clearly apply, but they may provide a very flawed excuse for attempting to create the false appearance of a legitimate legal excuse. In any event, it is worthwhile to be aware of how the domestic and international law treats the issue of citizenship for foundlings. The next thing you know, someone is going to suggest Stanley Ann was never pregnant in the first place and found a poor foundling to mother...who then qualified as a natural born citizen....(LOL)