“”Our military is being destroyed not by the enemy but by the PC politicians””
Heck - make that “our military AND our country are being destroyed by our enemies and the PC politicians.” Ironic that we pay their salaries so they can help our enemies out, isn’t it? Remember Hillary saying years ago something about the barbarians at the gate? She helped to open the door and invited them in.
We have to get over the notion that our representatives are interested in us. None of them have been for a very long time now.
Boy, I get it and there are days when I really feel they are stone deaf to the people...
but my congressman is a true conservative and very accessible to his constituents so he does listen...
but he’s just one man of many and, as a republic, we have to allow for the fact that so many of our fellow citizens are freakin’ bozos so they elect bozos to congress...
very frustrating but can’t see any other way...