I despise Mittens. But this is the WRONG approach. Slamming venture capitalism and saying they “kill jobs” and “pass out pink slips” only helps the Left.
If Mitt wins the nomination, this issue will be Obama's ticket to his 2nd term.
The conservative GOP candidates know it.
Mitt has to be eliminated.
It also is what the Left will sucessfully use to sink mittens. Unpleasant, but this is not the time to run a corporate raider for President.
It’s pretty amazing to watch. Reagan would have NEVER gone this route and I don’t believe any of the ‘conservatives’ using this argument can effectively come across as Reagan-esque. If Pubbies have to come off like Lefites to make their case, they’ve lost.
Finance creates winners and losers - it’s that simple. Bain wasn’t unique (except for repeatable and decent returns) and they were not in the business of hiding the fact that they did leveraged buyouts. Never thought there’d be need to defend Business / Finance 101 on FR. :|