I fear that too many of our fellow citizens have been bought off by dependence on some form of government 'assistance', have been brainwashed by the corrupt U.S. education system and are now too stupid to understand what the takeover of America by Marxists will be like. Or they're simply apathetic and distracted by the rubbish on TV and naively believe that what happens in Washington D.C. has nothing to do with them. They will all bitterly regret their apathy and foolishness that led them to elect an America-hating foreigner with a big smile, an 'exotic' name and a lot of feel-good blather but who had one mission: to destroy America.
Unfortunately, he is succeeding and if re-elected, he'll rip off the grinning mask he wears, put his 'czars' to work and finish the job of dismantling America. Sure, we'll fight back - but with too little, too late. Of course, Americans may well wake up long enough to deny Obama re-election, only to get a RINO such as Mitt Romney. Well, at least he'll manage the demise of America with some skill. I hope that's a comforting thought to those that still yammer about Romney's 'electability', as if that were going to save us. Of course, I could be wrong about the future of America - and I sincerely hope that I am.
We all know what’s coming in some way or another. Other Obama will launch a coup, we will be attacked and Obama will allow us to be destroyed without counter-attack, or something else that brings the country down. Either way, the right of a well-armed militia will have been very prescient.
It’s like a slow motion kabuki dance and we are all just extras.
You’re exactly right.