I suppose its not for us who have no heart to judge in that respect, eh? Non-defense of borders is now a conservative tenet?
To depart from a path, dont you have to first be on it?
Gov Perry has used state funds and people ($400 Million) to protect and defend the INTERNATIONAL border with Mexico because the U.S. Federal government has abandoned their sworn obligation to do it. Rick Perry has said he will seal the border, kill off the cartels and NO amnesty. He is the only candidate running for the job who intends to do it and who will do it.
Personally, I could easily have lived with Palin, Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Newt or Santorum and would be proud to enthusiastically support any of them, warts and all. Any one of them is infinitely better than Obama or Romney."
Jim Robinson: Taking stock of our dwindling conservative inventory-Jan 5, 2011
That comment puts your ignorance on full display. Why don't you take a few minutes to learn what Governor Perry's stand on the border is as well as his record?
Must be why Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed him.
Or let me put it this way, as the writer of this email put it:
Who is SAID to be weak on border security, but has been endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and passed over for endorsement by Senator John “Amnesty” McCain in favor of Mitt Romney.
CW has all the cybergoods on what Perry has done for border security and nailing the Feds for not securing it, and what his program his for securing it, that he would implement as President as his hand comes off the Bible.
But beyond that, he has an entire life and record from birth to early 60s, and if that is the record of a liberal, words have no meaning.
Direct you to my post #87, where that point is nailed.
My suspicion is towards those who would brand this man’s life, values and issue positions, “liberal”.
My suspicion is not towards Governor Perry’s Conservativism.
How many liberals are there who voted Reagan, who are Southerners, who are military veterans and who are Bible thumpers?
For your benefit, I ask you, how many liberals are as pro gun as the Governor, who would carry a pistol while running, and whip it out to shoot a coyote because he feared for his running buddy, a puppy?
Or would sign the bill that defunded Planned Parenthood in Texas?
Or sign the Sonogram bill?
Or sign voter picture ID?
Or fight the EPA?
Or fight Obamacare?
Or diss Global Warming?
Or personally hand Obama a letter asking him why his request for Federal border help was being igored, while showing up uninvited to do it?
The list is long.....................................................................................................................veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy long.
I think the writer of this piece nails the problem.
For whatever reasons, certain people do not want Americans to know who Rick Perry is, so they try everything in their power to bury it.