Just because some Marxist decides to use the term “Libertarian” to label on his Marxists beliefs doesn’t mean that Libertarian thought is Marxists in nature or even remotely similar. It just means the Marxist utilizes Newspeak to fool the useful idiots.
Libertarian paternalism is part of "nudging" -- another of czar Sunstein's fetters.
The regulatory czar intends us to be "nudged" into choosing the "correct" option from the limited options presented to us by the government. Both Parties will love this, I am sure.
Aided by the MSM and all aspects of "the Establishment" -- they will not publicize unacceptable options. So if we do not hear of them do they exist? No.
And I remember. It was pretty much that way in the days of the "Fairness Doctrine" with three TV networks being the source of "news" for the major portion of the public. I have read many comments wishing to return to those days when there was very little "divisiveness."
That kind of Sunstein "democracy" is prevented by talk radio and the Internet -- and Sunstein has named Free Republic as a threat.