“3rd Party.”
I agree with you, however I find it curious that everyone saves their vitriol for Romney, when the GOP, at least it’s party leadership apparatus is well-represented by Romney.
Romney is not the problem. That Romney is presently the likely nominee - is the real problem.
In other words, we are facing a possible Obama second term not because of Romney, but because of the GOP at the national level.
My big problem with a third party is this: If conservatives and other freedom-loving citizens can’t even take over the GOP - and they can’t as demonstrated by the lack of success at doing so since Reagan, then what makes them think they can create a viable 3rd party?
Exactly....Romney is just a symptom of the disease which plagues the GOP today.
“My big problem with a third party is this: If conservatives and other freedom-loving citizens cant even take over the GOP - and they cant as demonstrated by the lack of success at doing so since Reagan, then what makes them think they can create a viable 3rd party?”
You mean Romney isn’t the problem?
You mean the problem is the “true conservatives” can’t get organized and focused, and can’t persuade a majority of primary voters of the wisdom of conservatism?
“True Conservatives” maybe ought to start doing whatever it takes, to be more effective, instead of blaming everybody and everything else, and starring in victimhood roles.
Romney is merely filling a vacumn, left because of no obvious solid conservative frontrunner.
Solid as in not the “flavor of the week.”