There were already “fags in the military” before the repeal of DADT. What do you think, there were no closeted gays serving?
About the mosque, I personally think it is not a good idea to put a mosque near Ground Zero. However, does that mean it is illegal? Does that mean the Federal government has the authority to tell people where they can or cannot worship? I don’t think so.
If anything, I would agree that the local government should be able to decide this. After all, the local govt is made up of the local citizens.
Why would anyone who is a proponent of constitutionally limited government want an intrusive govt?
Just like Thomas Jefferson said, I would much rather deal with the problems associated with too much liberty than the problems associated with too little. Wouldn’t you?
You did not answer.
Are you fine with the repeal of DADT and therefore open homosexuals in the military, or not?
Yes or no.
My viewopoint, which unlike you, I am not scared to detail, is that homosexuals should NOT be in the military, and DADT was a nasty compromise, and it actually should have been repealed, and replaced with the previous “NO homosexuals in the military and YES we will ask”.
The homosexuals should have stayed in the closet or gone home with their dollies, makeup, and fru fru bags.
They don’t belong in the field with soldiers, period.