WHY,in G*d's doesn't a GOP elite call this Brian fellow on it when he next interviews them?
Well, the left has a strategy that usually works in these instances.
For example, the left won’t hire a conservative professor to work at a university if it can be avoided or unless the prof sneaks past them. Then the left notes in a airy, dismissive fashion that conservatives are not particularly interested in or accomplished at academic pursuits and point to the low numbers of conservative professors as ‘proof’ of the incurious, conservative mind.
They do the same with MSM events. You ask Brian Williams why do you portray left candidates in a positive light and conservatives in a negative light - they answer that they can only do so much with the facts and suggest that the conservatives are just so legitimately gosh darn inferior it’s always going to turn out that way unless the MSM lies to the public....etc.
“NBC’s Brian Williams Gushes Over 1950s ‘Wholesomeness’ of Obama Family”
WHY,in G*d’s doesn’t a GOP elite call this Brian fellow on it when he next interviews them?
Your point is well taken. My earlier reply said something snarky about the left’s successful tactics but that doesn’t mean the GOP is off the hook. I don’t even see the GOP elite TRYING to push back against this - they have quit the field and given the MSM free reign.