And the all time inner city girl name:
You just can’t make this stuff up/S
“And the all time inner city girl name:
I knew a guy who taught at an inner city school in Los Angeles. He had a girl in his class named Female Brown. She said that the hospital gave her that first name. You are right, you can’t make that s*#t up.
One of my relatives went to school with a girl named Velveeta. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
I see your Female and raise you-
Agghanistan(from the local death notices)
Pa’jama-from a magazine article on a woman naming her baby by using ‘pajamas’ in a catalog-and-my favorite-
Toi’let-actually seen on a woman’s work name tag on a local bus.
Compared to those, Tanganika, Teriyaki and LaTwondashonda barely get noticed.
Chlamydia Champagne....and her sister Etiwanda, of course.
My sister worked as a nurse in a similar demographic hospital. One parent told her that her little girl’s name was “Pay-Ja-May”
“How do you spell that”?, my sister asked.
It puzzled me, until I realized that it is probably pronounced "Irony".