Your writing is schizophrenic.
But you like setting up these types of conversations, don't you?
The device may prove to work --- or it may not. As even mentioned by these Swiss whom you declare here to be "2 more(!)"
Their own qualifying statements (the caveats I mentioned and allude to above) preclude being able to add them to your smug and smirking thesis.
Saying as much is no proof or evidence of schizophrenia.
My own mental state concerning all of this, is besides the point, regardless.
If you, yourself were actually trying to promote rational discussion, leaving your own personal feelings, emotion, and the over-weening need to get back at the skeptics aside, you wouldn't come across as having the maturity level reminiscent of teenage skate punk.
What I'm trying to say is DROP the smug conspiracy thesis. We've seen it over-and-over. Repeating it ad nauseum doesn't plug the holes which have been in it, and have been pointed out to exist in it, from it's inception.
In other words, grow up.