Yes, he will!!!
His notion is to start a covert war with Iran. We cannot afford a 4th war.
What is the most pressing foreign policy issue of our day?
Iran's attempt to get nukes and missiles to delver them.
So what do we do? Invade a 4th country? Ignore it? Start a covert war with Iran? Help the Gulf Arabs and the Israelis get nukes too?
OR Do we make forceful clear statement, as Cain would, that any attack on Israel will be viewed as an attack on the USA.
Then we do back up that statement, as Cain says, an build up our system of naval warships (i.e the Aegis ships Cain is talking about) that have the ability to knock down any Iranian missiles in flight thus giving our side an ability to neutralize the Iranian threat and protect our regional interests, without starting yet another war or adding to the destabilizing the region.
Cain is the only one who looked at the real problem with Iran and said here are the solution"