To: Absolutely Nobama
Ron Paul is certainly not my choice for president, but we could do a LOT worse than a guy that wants to gut the Federal Government more aggressively than anyone else.
To: Retired Greyhound
In 2009, RuPaul out-earmarked leftist giants like Nazi Pelosi and Pete Starke. In fact, he was the Pork King of 2009, bringing home almost 95 million bucks to Galveston.
I’m not buying it. I’ll evaluate him by what he’s done, not what he says he’ll do.
25 posted on
11/08/2011 3:08:56 PM PST by
Absolutely Nobama
(Chairman Obama And Ron Paul Are Sure Signs The Republic Is In Serious Trouble. God Help Us All.)
To: Retired Greyhound
Ron Paul is certainly not my choice for president, but we could do a LOT worse than a guy that wants to gut the Federal Government more aggressively than anyone else.
He SAYS he does, but in all the time he has been in Washington can you name one thing he has ever actually done? That is other than acquire as many earmarks in as many bills as possible, (the ones he SAYS he is against).
38 posted on
11/08/2011 3:37:22 PM PST by
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