Cain initially denied that any settlements had been made with the two women’s claims and said that the NRA had said there was nothing to the claims.
Then when it was otherwise confirmed that at least one settlement had been made (this second one after he had left the NRA), he said essentially that he had been thinking of the word “agreement”, which is why he didn’t say yes to the question about settlements.
That’s pretty much the same way he walked back his original comment that he wouldn’t have any Muslims in his cabinet. He later said he had been thinking of violent jihadists, not run-of-the-mill Muslims. He’d consider hiring a peaceful Muslim, just not a violent jihadist. (I’m paraphrasing here.)
In context of the FACT that he wasn't party to the settlements he was correct. He had made no settlements. As to the NRA, that statement would be true when taken in context with the FACT he argued against the claims. He truly felt there was nothing to the claims.
You and your fellow Perrybots have to understand this issue is now dead. It's over. If you want to continue arguing against Cain for on this particular issue you will do so with an ever increasing understanding of what your real issue with the man may be.