First, thank you for your service to our country. I am a pilot and aviation enthusiast also. I live next to an ex-combat pilot on a small airpark (116 homes built around a small airport). My wife and I set up displays honoring our nation's veterans at schools, museums, special events, military functions, and parades. We raise a lot of money for the USO. She volunteers two days a week at the Boeing Museum of Flight.
I think that it is sad that you have become such a negative person. You spends much of your time here attacking mostly Mr. Cain, but also our other Republican candidates. You are frustrated because you are reaping what you sow. My wife and I support Mr. Cain.
We don't spend our time bashing the other candidates. It is too early in the primary campaign to know who is going to win. I try to live by Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment from his 1966 campaign for governor, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” It is sad that a few supporters of Gov. Perry such as yourself have such a hard time with this one.
That was a nice post.
Congrats on your service and what you and your wife are doing.
Our friend is passionate and may have gotten a little carried away, but I kinda like his passion.
And I understand his getting dispirited at the infighting currently taking place here mainly between Cain supporters and Perry supporters.
As a Perry supporter, I have been very disappointed at the actions and comments of some of the people who claim to be Cain supporters. I’ve even started to wonder if maybe they are not Romney supporters in disguise.
Maybe it’s just me, but (this thread aside) I don’t think Perry supporters have been hateful about Cain. Some of us have a few doubts, but we’re pretty nice people.
And you are so right about the bashing. There are basically 3 viable candidates left. If you don’t want Romney, why try to destroy the other best hope?
I don’t get it.
Hey Fireman15, please don’t patronize me and then attempt to dig deep into my soul like you know who I am and what I feel inside. You really have no clue. This is a non-serious forum full of non-serious Cain supporters who are bashing Rick Perry. This thread is the obvious conclusion of the FR crowd today. I am sick of it. When you’re going to get shot at on a bomb run, you don’t drop half the payload. You drip every freakin’ one of the Mk-117s you have. And I ain’t done yet. Enjoy the show.