I like Cain a lot.
But. This is a troubling problem, why does this “Tea Party” guy like Romney the Rino so much?
You’re not supposed to think.
>>> “ I like Cain a lot.
But. This is a troubling problem, why does this Tea Party guy like Romney the Rino so much? “ <<<<
A “duh” moment if there ever was one, huh? I thought the same thing. If it walks like a duck.........
I am of the mind that Cain barely wants this, never thought he would get it, but knew he could run with the horses. He meant to just bolster his resume and raise his name recognition nationally, to guarantee a solid future, and THIS. There is either a back story between him and Romnney, or he is angling for the VP position, having thought all along this thing is going to go to Romney. Cain is a smart man. A player, maybe? Unknown for sure.