Bush’s Fault.
California will declare bankruptcy and the US government will bail it out. Why worry?
If I lived in California I would start a petition to amend the Constitution making the legislature part-time, only meeting for 8-weeks a year. This would also be accompanied by a 2/3 pay cut.
600 freaking bills for signature. Unbelievable.
And who was governor before him?....Ronald Wilson Reagan...and who was California governor before Reagan who put California into a tailspin of a financial crisis...Moonbeam's daddy...Jerry Brown Sr.
Pro-Illegal Alien Bills
AB 6 eliminates the food stamp requirement of fingerprinting
AB 131 the dream act that pits the illegal alien poor against the American poor
AB 194 California State University requirement to grant preferential treatment to illegal aliens brought into our country using someone elses ID
AB 353 requires the police to issue citations to an anonymous person with an anonymous address so that that anonymous person can continue driving a car not registered to anybody. Throw the citation in the trash, there is no trail.
AB 376 You can still eat the shark fin, you just have to catch him and not throw him back to swim circles for the rest of his short life.
AB 735 gives preferential treatment to the kids brought here under someone elses ID for the hiring of interns and student assistants. Hey, they have no ID, claim whatever you want.
SB 202 Because there is a larger voter turnout in November, this bill is designed to get the Democrat vote.
Who trims Brown’s eyebrows, a Schnauzer groomer? ;-)
No wonder they can’t produce a budget, they’re too busy with nannystating.
so ppl rather starve than be fingerprint???!! ROFL. SERIOUSLY?!?! They get free food, but its too much to ask to get them to work for it!!
Maroons on Parade.. California’s Political Legacy, post 2000.
I expect California will be seeing a large exodus of businesses and citizens to more business friendly and lower tax states like Texas. When Brown is finished California will make Greece look like a economic success story and most of the population will be illegal immigrants or living off government doles.
Ms. Rand saw this coming in 1954.