Posted on 10/08/2011 10:18:22 AM PDT by Kaslin
Herman Cain is entering the American consciousness at a time when ordinary people are more afraid of the future than at any juncture within memory. We Americans are searching for someone to fill the leadership vacuum left by an adolescent gadabout president who believes leadership is nothing more than giving speeches, perennial fundraising, politicking, and playing golf every waking moment in between. Except for the brief moments, when Obamas Astroturf protesters show up coincidentally to make his points, the community organizer in chief cant seem to organize his way out of a wet paper bag.
Yes, America is leaderless. And Americans know it.
Morgan Freeman seems to think its all a movie and his president thinks its a game. Ive got game, Barack Obama told Democrats a couple of years ago, but game doesnt fill the real shoes of the real presidency. And when theres no real grown-up president there, things tend to go down the chute in a great big hurry. That would happen whether the president off playing games was black, white, or purple. Its just a fact of life. Americans know this and are not the least bit fooled with all the race-baiting hustlers on the airwaves.
This country elected an eternal adolescent in a mans body. Wheres the president? Oh, hes off playing on the Vineyard. Wheres the president? Oh, its cold in D.C., so he must be off sunning in Hawaii. Wheres the president? Its Sunday, so he must be playing golf. Wheres the president? Its a boring weeknight, so he must be having a soiree with movie stars and musicians. I heard it was Paul McCartney, or is it Stevie Wonder this week? Wheres the president? Oh, hes on The View, or is it the late night show? Honestly, I cannot keep track of this man-childs social schedule.
Play. Play. Play. While the nation suffers.
Enter Herman Cain, the Republican backbencher who is setting the nominating race on its ear, confounding the oddsmakers of all stripes, and winning voters over one hard-fought day at a time.
Mr. Cain is having an extraordinary effect on all those who see him speak. Pollsters have been quite astonished with Mr. Cains effect on people, noting time after time Cains ability to win voter confidence in the span of a single debate, especially when he is not even given much opportunity to talk.
Herman Cains fatherly presence is so powerful that it literally sucks all the air out of the room in which he stands. Cain emanates fatherly wisdom.
One simply cannot deny Cains archetypal appeal as the good, wise, strong, loving-but-firm father.
And its down-to-the-marrow genuine. Cain is not putting on airs or going around talking down to voters like he is the one who thinks of himself as a national father figure come on the scene to take charge. Its the people he encounters who have this sense about him. The man inspires confidence just by walking in a room. Really, is it now any wonder how Cain motivated his employees and turned failing businesses into sterling successes?
Cain demonstrates in his every utterance a deep-down respect for this country and its citizens. For the recent tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Herman Cain didnt try to politicize the moment or grab an ounce of attention for himself. Instead, he put country over his candidacy and made the most heart-rending video Ive ever seen, while singing “America the Beautiful” in the background. Im not ashamed to admit I cried.
Cains respect for America, which he emits like a potent aura everywhere he goes, comes back to him ten-fold from the people. Its as though he had sowed it as a fertile seed in his listeners hearts and stands humbly ready to receive the harvest and plow it right back into Americas soil. When one listens to Herman Cain, one has the sense that things actually might have a chance of turning around if we all work hard enough and steady enough and stop playing our childish political games.
Whatever Herman Cain has got, it is something big. Zogby just released its latest polling showing Herman Cain in a surge worthy of shock-value:
In news sure to inject shock and awe into the Republican political primary season, a Zogby poll released Thursday showed Herman Cain leading the Republican field, topping former front-runner Mitt Romney by an astonishing 20 points. Cain would also narrowly edge out Obama in a general election, the poll found, by a 46-44 margin.
Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, would lose by a point to the president, 40 percent to 41 percent. Texas governor Rick Perry, who has slipped in the polls of late, would lose to the president 45 percent to 40 percent.
The poll found that 38 percent of Republican primary voters said they would vote for Cain if the primary were held today. Eighteen percent said they would throw their support to Romney, while 12 percent each said they would vote for Perry and Texas congressman Ron Paul. No other candidate attracted double-digit support.
Writing as a Georgian and a former civil rights fighter, its hard for me to remain purely objective when it comes to Herman Cains candidacy. My heart swells every time I hear him speak. There are days when I practically get weak-kneed just imagining a debate between him and Barack Obama. Ive got a deep-down feeling that Obama would leave that debate stage feeling as though he had just had a very painful woodshed experience with a mature father wielding a rhetorical paddle.
Thats just me, of course. But from the looks of the way this is going, a whole lot of American voters are sensing the same thing or something very close to it.
Ah but Romney HAS a record.
You think that only career politicians have records? Cain has a whole life that is not hidden that you “can judge him on”. He also has thousands of hours working as a conservative radio host along with several books. He also has incredible presence and the ability to captivate an audience without a teleprompter. He is not a mystery.
I have been a huge Ronald Reagan fan since before he was elected. Some of my most cherished possessions are my letters from Ronald Reagan relating to a front page Seattle Times article with my picture and quotes. My girlfriend and a couple friends helped me display a huge sign that I made that said “Tacoma Loves Yoo Mr. President”. There were hundreds of very nasty and outspoken leftists who turned out and tried to intimidate us and force us to leave. We made the front page; they got a tiny picture in the back of the paper. Good times! Good times!
The sign actually did not have a typo in it. LOL
I was very excited about Gov. Palin, but I have not been this excited about a presidential race since Ronald Reagan. It took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan. Maybe we needed Obama to give us Herman Cain. It makes me think of the Garth Brooks song Unanswered Prayers. We didn’t get McCain and Palin and Obama has led this country to the brink of disaster. But maybe that is what we needed to clean out congress and get a president who will lead us back to greatness.
In my lifetime there has been only one man elected potus who was not a politician. That would be Eisenhower. And most people thought that after 40 years in the military and being Supreme Allied Commander during WWII, Ike was a politician by default. We know he was a great leader.
The current occupant of the Oval Office has the least amount of executive governing experience of anyone to ever get elected President. He came into office with no experience leading anything inside government or outside government. Obama did get elected to the Illinois state legislature and to the US Senate. Cain doesn't have any elected experience. Being a good man is not good enough. The last thing we need is a neophyte going up against Obama and the liberal establishment machine.
I see. So even though it’s his signature fiscal plan, the centerpiece of his campaign, just schluff is off as obvious BS with no chance of passing. And that doesn’t help you draw any conclusions about Cain?
Sure, running the country is just like selling bad pizza. Why didn’t I see that. And anyway, what’s your point? Unless someone has a similar educational background, they have no way of understanding or forming opinions on tax policy? I guess only math majors should vote then, eh? What rubbish!
So you’re saying you support a Federal sales tax? Are you a Tea Partier?
You think ADDING a federal sales tax to the existing income tax is good bargaining? That’s funny.
As for 9-9-9, it clearly is the centerpiece. It’s even presented that way in his website:
He has a section called issues, but he has a DIFFERENT section called 9-9-9, right in the middle. You can run away from it if you think you need to, but not me.
He mentions 9-9-9 every chance he gets. We know he’s not running on his foreign policy expertise (lol). So deny it all you want, but the tea party favorite wants to tax tea-—and everything else you buy. It’s so funny I forgot to laugh.
Guess what page it leads to--9-9-9! Come on. Let's get real. The number one issue facing the country is the economy, and Cain's vision is to tax tea and everything else you buy, and this is the tea party guy? If someone made this up no one would believe it!
As Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy in 1789 the year before his death,
“’In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
The question is who pays and what type of business environment do the taxes create? Our current tax code plays favorites for the politically connected and is chasing jobs offshore by making American business uncompetitive. So I am all for true tax reform. I seriously doubt whether the 9 9 9 plan would make it through congress in it's current form, but I would be happy if it did. Over half the population is paying no federal tax at all especially the ten million illegal immigrants living among us.
And yes I am a big supporter of the Tea Party movement. You have made a bunch of posts critical of us; why don't you come to an event and see if we are really as dumb as you think we are.
He is my choice! I think that he has the best chance of beating Obama for many reasons.
I would support the sales tax IF ACCOMPANIED by abolition of death tax under $10 million, tax on capital gains (or indexed for inflation at a minimum), tax on dividends and interest. If payroll tax is also cut, that is a huge bonus for middle class income people.
The way I look at it, the congress and president can increase our income tax, death tax, cap gain tax etc anytime they want and get away with it politically. So there is no need to have a morbid fear of them increasing the sales tax in future. It will all depend on whom the voters elect anyways.
Do you ever formulate rational or coherent arguments? Just wondering.
Yes, I probably have better ideas than Herman Cain, however I break out in a sweat in front of large audiences, and I am comfortably retired and could not give up golfing every good weather day at a private golf club. So, let Herman do it. He is Da Man for 2012.
I love Rush Limbaugh and I like Sean Hannity but I wouldn’t vote for either one if they ran for potus.
If they were running against Obama I would vote for either of them in a heart beat. But I believe that Mr. Cain’s presence, education, business experience, and life experiences would make him a better president than either of them. The framers of the constitution had a different view of who the leaders of our country should be than you. Their vision was for citizen leaders not career politicians. I trust their judgemnt on this more than yours, even if you do admire President Reagan.
There isn't now, unless we let them have one, AND an income tax, as 9-9-9 does .
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