I see what you're saying.
However, as bad as some of the Republicans are, they could NEVER sink to the level of the Democrats and the Democrat Party.
They never have.
The Republican Party was FOUNCED as the anti-slavery party, to defeat the pro-slavery Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, jim crow, segregation, and the Ku Klux Klan.
This is not ancient history. The Democrat Senate Majority Leader in the 21st century was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Democrat Party is the party of sociopaths and other opportunist who will stop at nothing to achieve their self-serving agendas--which is basically self-aggrandizement, funnelling money into their own bank accounts, corruption, graft, and exploitation of the masses whom they profess to protect (that's a laugh).
There is no limit to the depths to which these people will sind.
Republicans could NEVER sink to their level.
(can't type)
(See what I mean?)