OccupyBoston is an offshoot of the Occupy Wall St. movement. The basic idea is to raise awareness around the so-called top 1% of earners owning more than 50% of the total wealth of the country. This economic inequity is being addressed by the movement using consensus building (slower but more democratic decision making) and plans to create a list of demands to government and greater society. Good luck, you annoying twits! Man, what a bunch of loosers! I wish we could have a transcript of the words on this video. What a maroon!
Somebody posted this on my FaceBook page as a comment on this DUFU edition:
The official uniform of a #OccupyWallStreet protestor- iPhone- Check. Starbucks Latte- Check, Marc Eco t-Shirt- Check, True Religion Jeans- Check, Daddy's BMW- Check. Now, time to protest corporations!!!!!