So would being a diabetic, on dialysis, etc...or in a nursing home...
If you rely on certain medsforget about it. I’d rather go fast then slow.
When you’re a certain age starting a family, you want to live close to a school. When your 70+ you want to live close to a hospital.
If you are a diabetic, type II, chances are that you are going to lose a HUGE amount of weight and stop being a diabetic.
If you are a type I like me, every time you go to Walmart get a vial of R insulin for $22 and some needles. One vial will keep you alive for 2 mos or so (4 if times are tough). The biggest problem will be hypoglycemia, if you get that and there is no glucose around, you’re dead.
Buy ammo and guns and lots of it. That’s the only leverage against all the idiots that have no morals and no compunction against killing you.
Finally, have Christ in your life.