Once again I ask you, who is "Honoring" him and with what awards? All the information I have garnered simply state that he acquired citizenship back in 1960, NOT 1966 as stated by the author who obviously has an agenda in bringing up the name of Fuchida........
And once again I ask you, what was the original topic of the article?
Your focus should be on that, NOT on the now deceased citizen Fuchida who has been dead for 35 years.......
It is an honor to become a US citizen as I did. The majority of immigrants are very honored that the US would let them do this. That is what I meant.
If you do not view it as an honor America bestows on immigrants than that is where we have another disagreement. It is a very great honor to become a US citizen.
True many do not think it is especially some natural born US citizens or illegal immigrants. I saw the other day that someone on the White House staff viewed being here illegally as no worse that jay walking. This is how low things have sunk.
And, for the record:
“After World War II ended, Fuchida became an evangelist Christian preacher and frequently travelled to the United States to minister to the Japanese expatriate community. He became a United States citizen in 1966.[2]”
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsuo_Fuchida