As well as every expatriat who may have served in their country's military and now living in this country who may have roots in Germany, Russia, Japan, etc..........
It took me 14 years to become a citizen of this country.
I had to have a green card and a sponsor before even stepping foot in this country. I had to wait for years before applying. I waited 5 years after applying for citizenship to be called by a Federal official. I was then fingerprinted and went through a thorough background check. Finally 14 years after ariving here I became a citizen.
It is a great system because it gave the Federal system the time to investigate who I was.
As long as any nationality goes through this process I have no problem with an individual becoming a citizen. Certainly I would have a big problem with someone killing thousands of people becoming a citizen. That should not happen.
Again the point here is one of distinction. Many people on this forum believe that someone who has killed thousands of people should become a citizen if they have the right reason or circumstances.
I am simply saying that regardless of circumstances or reasons no one should be rewarded with citizenship if they have killed thousands of people.
We simply have a clear cut disagreement.
I simply will not change my mind in this regard.