Posted on 09/17/2011 7:29:48 AM PDT by Askwhy5times
The short answer is no. The long answer is also no. It is true that trying to implement this vaccine regime by EO was wrong. Perry readily admits that mistake. However, the vaccine is actually a good idea. It is not an assault on innocent 12-year old girls as Michelle Bachmann claimed. It also does not cause retardation as Michelle Bachmann misinformed the American public. The misconception in many people's mind is, since HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, the government is preparing 12 old girls for sexual activity at an early age. That is false. In order for this vaccine to work correctly, it has to be given at that age. The protection they get is a few years down the road. Waiting until the girls are adults and can make their own informed decision will not work. It will be too late for them to take advantage of this potentially lifesaving vaccine. Heather Borden Herve over at Wilton Patch explains:
HPV is also the most common sexually transmitted disease today.A better approach for Gov. Perry would have been to offer the vaccine for free and promote it to parents through a public education program, but hindsight is always 20-20. BTW, the story about Rick Perry sitting at the deathbed of a friend dying of cervical cancer is true. Here name was Heather Burcham.A-ha! Is that what makes this issue hot andpardon the media parlance punsexy? Because somehow when the topic of innocent little 12 year old girls gets mixed up with protecting them from a virus that gets transmitted through sexual contact, it suddenly gets to be co-opted by politicians on the basis of protecting moral valuesand it gets them airtime.
In full disclosure, I grew up in a household that was comfortable talking about science, medicine and fact. My dad is an OBGYN, so we werent afraid of using correct anatomical terminology or talking about human sexuality. Its formed the basis for the way I approach issues like this one.
The science shows that in order for this vaccine to work it needs to be administered before a person becomes sexually active. According to a statement released by the American Academy of Pediatrics following the media uproar after Bachmanns comments, they recommend that girls receive [the] HPV vaccine around age 11 or 12. Thats because this is the age at which the vaccine produces the best immune response in the body, and because its important to protect girls well before the onset of sexual activity.
That recommendation was echoed by the CDC and American Academy of Family Physicians....
"The American Academy of Pediatrics would like to correct false statements made in the Republican presidential campaign that HPV vaccine is dangerous and can cause mental retardation. There is absolutely no scientific validity to this statement. Since the vaccine has been introduced, more than 35 million doses have been administered, and it has an excellent safety record."
This isn't just a woman's issue. HPV is also a major risk factor for penile cancer.
“There is not a single vaccine today that we could not live without, without having millions die off. “
Wrong. Go take a walk through any of the old cemeraries in your state and look at the number of young children buried there. 50% mortality rate was very common among the young into recent times. Ben Franklin, IIRC, was one of the supporters of introducing mandatory vaccination for smallpox. Last I looked, he was considered one of the Founding Fathers. Not to mention tetanus, diptheria, measles, polio, and many other diseases that are still with us. Eliminate the vaccines, and see the children die.
Old Student
We are on the same page RE Bachmann. My reading comprehension is just fine. You emotionally and hot-headedly slammed Bachmann supporters for being emotional and hot-headed. You did it by accusing them of being absurd by leveling absurd things against them! {^) Very effective communication technique (NOT! Like Rush warns, Don't Try This at Home). I remain convinced that at the bottom, you're capable of being as irrational and hot-headed in your attacks on Bachmann supporters as you say the Bachmann supporters are in defense of Bachmann.
Just an observation, that's all. I did my due diligence and am relieved to see that indeed, my reading comprehension is just fine. :^)
“Here you go, complete with video:”
Well, if you believe that “an econonomic recovery plan” means TARP, and only TARP, I guess I can see why you think he lied, but I’m thinking you’re missing the boat there. I could see extending the Bush tax cuts as “an economic recovery plan, as well.
I do thank you for the link, though. At least now I know why you say what you say. I’m not yet Pro-Perry, but I’m not Anti-Perry, either. So far, the only “dog” I have in this fight is Mitt Romney, and I’m not at all fond of him. Far too eastern Liberal for my tastes, despite a shared religion.
Gracia, Amigo!
“I can find nothing that shows that Hep-B vaccine is required by the state of Alaska for infants and toddlers.”
I think if you’ll check the (drawing a blank on proper name/acronym, but the organization of pediatric doctors) that they’ve recommended Hep-B shots for all children prior to going to school, and that the recommendation has been adopted by nearly every state in the Union. I know it’s in place here in Oklahoma.
The timing clears up any confusion. The letter was written while TARP was under consideration and in the heat of the debate. It could not have been reasonably interpreted by anyone reading it to be referring to any other proposal.
Smallpox was an imminent public health threat. HPV which may (or may not) lead to cancer in some individuals 40+ years later is not.
he he — I tried it way more than just at home. You’d be surprised - VERY surprised.....
“Certainly some could — and do — see it that way as Perry was very clear when he was reelected Governor that he had no intention of running for President.”
the OP had a different reason, which I’ve replied to seperately, and I can see his reasoning, though I disagree with him, at least modestly. As for saying he had no intention THEN, doesn’t necessarily invalidate his decision to run NOW. It may say things about his ego, or his sense of duty, or something else entirely, but not necessarily his veracity.
I, too, like Palin better, but she hasn’t declared, yet. I’ve read that she intends to wait for 2016, but I don’t think that was sourced adequately, either.
I think it only fair to admit that a part of my preference for Sarah is simply to see the number of liberal head explosions that would result. Childish, I know. ;) I still want a PALIN*McWhatsisname bumper sticker...
“Smallpox was an imminent public health threat. HPV which may (or may not) lead to cancer in some individuals 40+ years later is not.”
You and I will disagree on this, I guess. Perhaps you don’t know that there is no set time for the cervical cancer to develop. My MIL was only (strike the 29, it was 25) when she developed it, and had been married only a few years. They were on their honeymoon when Pres. Kennedy was assasinated. Lots less than 40+ years, at any rate. My wife says they lost a baby before she was born, and she was born in ‘65. Her younger brother is only a year or so younger than she is, so 66 or 67, probably, and no children after that, as she had the cervix and such surgically removed.
If voluntary, insurance won’t pay for it.
Q3: What is the association between HPV infection and cancer?
A: Persistent HPV infections are now recognized as the cause of essentially all cervical cancers.
It doesn’t cover the full spectrum of HPV variations so using the term “full protection” is inaccurate. I think, in terms of last minute decisions, my 10-16 year old girls are safe because they won’t be coming out of their cocoons till their 16. I’m not against this vaccination, in principle, I’m against the mis-information that is out there about it. So when someone says you are mis-informed I don’t “ask why 5 times :)” I go to scientific (albeit, very biased) sources. I’m just saying.
It doesn’t cover the full spectrum of HPV variations so using the term “full protection” is inaccurate. I think, in terms of last minute decisions, my 10-16 year old girls are safe because they won’t be coming out of their cocoons till their 16. I’m not against this vaccination, in principle, I’m against the mis-information that is out there about it. So when someone says you are mis-informed I don’t “ask why 5 times :)” I go to scientific (albeit, very biased) sources. I’m just saying.
How many more things will the government mandate for “our own good”?
This is a decision for the parents, not the state. Period.
The current procedure, the one that Perry ordered implemented, is the parent files an application for an affidavit, and this filing can be done online. The state issues the official affidavit for opt-out, and this paper is provided to the schools. The same opt-our procedure applies to all vaccines. No childhood vaccine is mandatory in Texas. If the HPV vaccine was on the schedule of childhood vaccinations, it would under the same procedure as all the others.
I agree. We have enough mandates from the government.
I believe this is an "it depends" finding. The only state where HPV vaccine is mandatory is Virginia (plus Washington, DC), and some insurance plans, in states other than Virginia (and DC), cover HPV vaccines.
While many private health plans are providing coverage for GARDASIL, the availability of coverage and the level of coverage can vary. Your coverage can even change over time. Because your doctor or health care professional has many patients with different health insurance benefits, he or she may not know the specifics regarding your coverage for GARDASIL. Before you visit the doctor's office, you may want to call your health plan to find out more about what coverage is available to you.Also, as far as I know, ALL states provide free vaccines for qualified people, such as uninsured and poverty.
Because of our stupid federal insurance rules, insurance is different in every state. In Texas, insurance does not pay for vaccines without being mandated to do so. If you want the vaccine today, it is out-of-pocket $360.
“That’s not very relevant unless you are asserting she got cervical cancer due to HPV.”
See Thackney’s post answering your statement/question.
Thackney, thank you for your help here.
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